では、パーパス・ドリブンな組織変革とはいかにして実現すればよいのでしょうか。現在、多くの企業が直面しているであろうこの課題を解決するため、宣伝会議では、より実践的な企業変革のアプローチ方法を学べるオンライン特別講座『Becoming a purpose-driven organization』を9/25(金)に開催します。

Jarin Tabata, Principal
イギリスで自身のスタジオを経営したのちニューヨークに移り、クリエイティブディレクターとしてSYPartnersに参画。IBMとのグローバルな組織文化と行動変容のためのプロジェクト、“高齢化”を新たな視点で捉え直すIDEOとの取り組み、Aoyama Treehouseとのマインドフルネスやイノベーション、空間設計のプロジェクト等をリードしてきている。

Aki Shelton, Principal, Brand Design
Moving Brandsでエグゼクティブ・クリエイティブディレクターを、Apple(米国本社と東京支社)でクリエイティブディレクターを務めたのち、SYPartnersへ参画 。多様な専門家が集まるチームを率いて、Uniqlo, Nike, Google,Weight Watchersといったクライアントのためにパワフルな体験や戦略を生み出してきた。

Takuo Fukuda, Senior Designer
・顧客やクライアントや社会に、どんなインパクトを与えていますか? もしくは、どんな影響をそれらに与えたいですか?
本連載のもとになり、より実践的にパーパス・ドリブンな企業変革のアプローチ方法を学べるオンライン特別講座『Becoming a purpose-driven organization』を9/25(金)に開催します。あわせてご活用ください。
Q3.When I think about the purpose (the fundamental reason for existence) of my company, I don’t know where to start and what is the correct answer. I found myself getting stuck in the thinking process. How should I approach this? (How can I strengthen/develop my creativity to find out the fundamental value of my organization?)
It can be helpful toan try approaching from a different way in. For example,what would the world be missing if your company went away? Why do you do the work you do? What impact do you have on the lives of your customers or clients, or the world? What impact do you want to have?
Often, it also helps to look into the history of your organization. What were the pivotal moments? What were the animating ideas or changes in perspective that contributed to those moments? Or, another way of looking at it—in spite of all of the changes, what have always been underlying truths or pursuits that the organization has held?
Consider qualities about your organization that are most core to who you are. What has always been true? What are the essential ideas, motivations, or traits of your organization? Our work at SYPartners often involves creating useful tools to find out what is core to an organization.
Another approach could be having many 1:1s with employees to hear why they come to their work everyday. Personally, I believe that purpose does not belong only to an organization, but also to the individual people who work there.
It’s good to think about the organization as a person. If it was a person, how would this person think, act, speak, talk, behave, believe etc.? That will humanize the organization/company. In the corporate world, people focus on performance but we believe humanity is equally important to create impact in the world, both internally and externally. Normally the answers and solutions are there inside, you just need to distill it and bring to the surface.
Q4.I think our company is mostly thinking about how to differentiate us from others (for example, UPS: Unique Selling Proposition). So, I feel we don’t have a culture to think about purpose. In order to become a purpose-driven company, where should we start? (I started to feel anxiety that I lost too much essential value because I wanted too much differentiation)
You could start by looking deeply at yourself instead of looking at the competition and trying to fit your purpose into a differentiated space in the market? Becoming a purpose-driven company begins with having a purpose that is true to who you are.
I think it is okay to look outward and try to differentiate yourself from others. It is an important aspect of business. But finding purpose is an inward process as well: who you are, where you came from, and what you care most. It is important to maintain the balance between outward and inward energy.
It’s quite normal to focus on performance in a corporate context but you can’t have great performance without a strong team/organization. In order to create a strong team, you’ll need to have a clear purpose for everyone to believe in and work towards. It’s not about differentiating to competitors. It’s about finding yourself.